Capital TRUST Research (Pvt) Ltd.
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Established as the research arm of the Capital TRUST Group, Capital TRUST Research has strengths in the areas of Fundamental Equity research and Technical Analytical research. Research is carried out by a team of highly qualified professionals whose analytical, investigative, and reporting skills are undoubtedly the best available in the country. Capital TRUST Research employs a fully qualified Technical Analyst, trained to advise our stockbrokers and the investing public regarding trends, market turning points and market momentum.
Research Process
Our Research process is underpinned by a strong focus on fundamental research based on both quantitative and qualitative factors. Fundamental analysis is used to evaluate the financial strength of companies through a comprehensive analysis of their business models, competitive advantage and forecasting of future growth. We also closely analyze both local and international macro-economic conditions as well as conduct in depth analysis on many economic sectors with a view to assessing the impact they have on listed companies.
Product Portfolio
Our product portfolio consists of a compendium of research reports based on Fundamental Equity Research techniques and Technical Analytical Research techniques. All our research products are made available free of charge exclusively to all our clients, through daily emails and WhatsApp messages. Clients of Capital TRUST Group can also download all Research products by logging in to our research portal.
Fundamental Equity Research
This is a summary report for the Colombo Stock Market covering daily stock price movements as well as market news, announcements and events. This information allows investors to monitor the Colombo stock market performance on a daily basis, while helping them to make timely and informative investment decisions.
Key Performance Indicators A financial summary of all companies, which includes their past and latest financial results, and key investor ratios. This report is sought-after by the investing public as a guideline for making investment decisions. The report is released every Friday and is made available exclusively to our clients.
Sector reports provide a detailed analysis of a particular sector, and recommendations are made based on forecasts of trends while also considering each companies individual performance within the sector. The sector report provides timely information to enable investors to plan their investment and exit strategies.
Sector reports provide a detailed analysis of a particular sector, and recommendations are made based on forecasts of trends while also considering each companies individual performance within the sector. The sector report provides timely information to investors to plan their investment and exit strategies.
Economic Research Reports provide an outlook of the economy and its developing trends. The reports act as a guideline to the future performance of the stock market.
Technical Analytical Research
Technical graphs of shares which have potential are included with a comment in the Daily Stock Watch Report.